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  • Hearing Health: Protecting Your Ears as You Age

Hearing Health: Protecting Your Ears as You Age

As a man of a certain age, I’ve learned that the golden years come with their own set of challenges. One of them is the need to protect our ears.

As we age, our hearing can start to fade, but don’t let this news fall on deaf ears! There are ways to protect our hearing and keep our ears in tip-top shape.

First things first, let’s talk about noise. No, I’m not referring to the grandkids running around the house, although that certainly counts.

Exposure to loud noises can damage the delicate structures within our ears.

So, whether it’s a rock concert, a noisy lawnmower, or a particularly loud episode of your favorite TV show, it’s important to keep the volume in check.

If you can’t avoid the noise, consider investing in a good pair of earplugs. They’re not just for sleeping, you know!