E. Coli Outbreak Spreading in 4 States

E. Coli Outbreak Spreading in 4 States

NextPlay NewsletterEach week, the Next Play Newsletter empowers visionary thinkers and lifelong learners to cultivate ambitious goals, adapt to change, and prioritize well-being. With insights on tech, science, and c...

Here’s the Scoop

As we strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we often trust the safety of the food items we purchase from grocery stores.

However, it’s important to be aware that despite stringent rules and regulations for manufacturers, potentially harmful products can occasionally find their way onto the shelves.

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is cautioning about an E. coli outbreak spreading across four states.

The CDC, in conjunction with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), reported an investigation into a sudden increase in E. coli infections…

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